Curated Gift Boxes


Visit us at the Market in Easton, PA to create your own box with goods from any of our merchants.

- or -

Choose from a box Curated by Belleville. Our Belleville-Curated boxes are availablie online for nationwide shipping or free in-store pickup.

For Belleville PERKS Members:
Save 15% On Our Belleville-Curated Boxes

*As-Is, No Substituions

Create Your Own Gift Box

Visit us at Belleville Market in downtown Easton to get started!

Select Your Box

We offer 4 box sizes starting at $6.

Gather Your Goods

Start by gathering & shopping for your items.

Expert Packing

A guest services associate will pack your items.


Choose to have your box picked up for free or delivered anywhere nationwide.

For Belleville PERKS Members

Belleville Curated Gift Boxes

Save 15% Instantly at Checkout

Discount valid for pre-curated by Belleville boxes only. Boxes come as-is with no substitutions.